Luxury Vinyl vs Vinyl Plank Flooring Is There Really a Difference

Imagine this: you’re spending hours researching and studying different types of flooring only to come up with more questions than answers. You’re taking precious time away from doing things that you want to do while you try to figure out which material is best to redo your floors with.

If this sounds like you, consider this a sign that vinyl flooring is the way to go. But you still have to decide if you want standard or luxury vinyl plank flooring. 

The answer to that question will come down to the pros and cons of each type.

Which is the best vinyl plank flooring for you? Keep reading as we dive into the basics of what you should know.

Cost Difference

Standard vinyl is really affordable compared to other types of flooring, but luxury vinyl is still generally inexpensive. You can expect standard vinyl to cost between 50 cents and $3 per square foot. Luxury vinyl can cost between $2 to $4 at similar outlets.

Since installation is fairly easy, many homeowners are able to do this themselves. However, you can also pay a small fee for added installation convenience.


Standard vinyl plank flooring is usually extremely thin, and it only lasts about 10 or 15 years. Luxury vinyl plank flooring is thick with rigid construction. This makes it last almost twice as long (at least 25 years).

If you are looking for something that is water-resistant, however, standard vinyl flooring outshines the luxury option here. It has fewer seams for water to get through. Both types of vinyl are great for general heat resistance, like exposure to sunlight, but they aren’t going to work well under a water heater or beside a heater.

Care and Maintenance

Of all the standard and luxury vinyl plank differences, this is where they actually are pretty much the same!

Sweeping and vacuuming up the floors is the standard care for both of these types of vinyl plank flooring. Any stains or spills need to be wiped up right away.

At least once every week, it’s a good idea to use warm water mixed with soap to mop the floors. You won’t need to worry about waxes or seals with any type of vinyl flooring.

Resale Value

When you install vinyl plank flooring in your home, most people will view the standard version as being a bargain flooring. Luxury vinyl flooring is a little bit better, but it still isn’t quite at the level of solid hardwood or stone tile in terms of desirability.

Check out to learn more about which option might be right for you. You may want to opt for luxury vinyl if resale is important to you.

Get the Right Vinyl Plank Flooring for Your Home

Rather you choose standard or luxury vinyl plank flooring, you’re sure to get great flooring for the rooms of your home at a fair price. Be sure to do your research to figure out which of these two options is the right one for your family’s needs.

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