EDP – How Does an EDP Compare to Sediment Removal?

Electronic Transfer formulation (ETP) refers to the separation of contaminants in industrial wastewater from the rest of the wastewater. Industrial wastewater treatment constitutes the systematic processes applied for treating industrial wastewaters that are produced as a by-product by industries. After treatment, most of the industrial wastewater can be reused either directly or to a groundwater resource in the environment or to an aquatic environment where it will not cause any harm. The remainder of the wastewater is discharged into the natural environment or to the subsurface. ETP differs from autoclaves in that the latter use heat energy to boil off contaminated solids whereas ETP uses electricity to do the same.

Today, there are two forms of electronic positive control (EPC) methods commonly implemented in most industries. These are designed to isolate toxic materials and to remove such toxic materials from the manufacturing sites. Apart from this, there are other important aspects that are worth considering while implementing EPC techniques. The purpose of this article is to highlight the benefits and advantages of ETP over the more commonly used autoclave.

There are three benefits of ETP over autoclave. First of all, the energy consumption is very less for an ETP system. Second, for ETP the amount of oxygen used in the autoclave is very high. Thirdly, and interestingly, autoclaves are very expensive when compared to ETP because they require solid carbon material for formation of the lumen or walls inside the autoclave. But, with the presence of an EDP the costs associated with EPC are minimal. Finally, the energy consumed by the EDP is more environmentally friendly because no solid carbon material is used in their formation.

The other benefit of ETP is to enhance the cleaning process of effluent treatment plants. This is especially true in domestic wastewater treatment plants. ETPs eliminate the granular matter that tends to clog up the lower beds of a treatment plant. Moreover, they also remove organic matter and volatile materials that tend to decompose in a non-aqueous autoclave.

This brings me to the third benefit of ETPs over the more commonly used mechanical filtration technologies. They can significantly improve the performance of an effluent treatment plant. Their mechanical filtration capabilities can remove toxic dissolved metals, lead, mercury, cadmium, pesticides and herbicides, whereas their biological filtration abilities can remove bacteria, fungi, cysts, viruses, protozoa, parasites, and algae.

In addition, an ETP can remove insoluble materials like polymers, fats, oils and greases. The use of an ETP along with secondary and tertiary filtration technologies can dramatically reduce the amount of residual sludge in a filter pool. During manufacturing, some pharmaceuticals and hospital wastes may undergo chemical treatment. These hazardous wastes, unfortunately, cannot be classified as “safe” under the terms set forth by regulatory agencies such as OSHA. Pharmaceuticals need to test their drugs at a facility that does not store them in water, because water is not deemed safe for storing drugs. An ETP can help relieve this concern, as well as improve the performance of the primary filtration step of an effluent treatment plant.

To address some of these problems, some pharmaceutical companies have developed their own composite oxidation processes, which combine biological and mechanical processes to enhance the removal of heavy metals, fungi, and algae from the effluent. This technology is also useful for reducing the amount of solids that can accumulate in the inlet of an ETP. Some manufacturers of ETPs have gone so far as to include oxygen in their filtration systems. This feature can significantly improve the efficacy of ETPs at removing toxic heavy metals and other impurities.

Unfortunately, pharmaceutical engineers are not always involved in the design of EDPs. In order to fully remove all contaminants, a number of steps must be performed on a manufacturing plant property. Chemical treatment of the air or surface water through biological treatment and carbon absorption is one step that can be performed in parallel with the removal of sediment from the effluent. Biological treatment plants typically contain Superflavonious and aromatic chemicals that act as adsorption agents. Other methods such as ion exchange and sub-micron filtration will also significantly improve the effluent quality. Effluent treatment plants that rely solely on biological processes for the removal of heavy metals and other contaminants will produce considerably lower standards than plants that combine biological and mechanical filtering techniques.