Orion's Jumping Jacks

The Buzz Around Orion’s Jumping Jacks Twitter Video

Introduction to the Viral Sensation Have you ever witnessed a seemingly simple video captivating the hearts and minds of the entire internet? That’s exactly what happened with the “Orion jumping jacks twitter video.” Remember how the ice bucket challenge took over our screens a few years back? This is similar, but with a twist! What…

truck movies

15 Best Trucker Movies

We dream of traversing unknown cities and engaging with different languages, but it’s not that easy. Although, there is a great way to absorb that traveling spirit without taking the risk of actually going; just watch the adventures of the characters on screen. Good quality road trip movies can make you feel part of the…

Stranger Things Aesthetic

Stranger Things Aesthetic

Whether you’re planning to watch the Netflix hit Stranger Things or not, you’ve probably started to notice some very cool aesthetics being used in the show. The show’s vibrant colors, psychedelic hues, and fluorescent lights all lend themselves well to a great aesthetic. In this article, we’re going to break down some of the most…